

Envision an action that builds your adaptability, reinforces your muscles, focuses your musings, and unwinds and quiets you. Yoga does all that and then some! In this article, the concise history and the logic of yoga, the advantages, its benefits, how it solves health problems everything is described.What is Yoga?Yoga...

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How to strike a perfect life balance?

They rightly call it a “rat race”; a race that is meant to keep us competitive so that we are always at par, if not ahead of others. But, at what cost? Most people pay ‘work-life conflict’ as a price for this competition.What is work-life conflict?It is a condition where...

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Theft Extension In Burglary Insurance Policy

1. What is Theft? When we find something that belonged to us missing, we at times presume it was taken away without our permission by someone dishonestly. The term that we use in our day to day language for this incident is - that a theft has been committed. Insurance...

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Why 'FIR' is the catalyst in burglary insurance claims?

Before we understand the importance and relevance of FIR, we need to appreciate a few basics of administration of criminal justice system in India. Two laws which govern the criminal justice system in India are- Indian Penal Code (IPC) that defines the various offences and Criminal Procedure Code (Cr PC)...

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First Loss Basis

1. What is Condition of Average in Property Insurance? In a normal insurance policy for physical assets there is a standard condition called Condition of Average/ Condition of Underinsurance. This condition essentially balances the interests of the Insurers (Insurance Companies) with that of the Insured ( person/ organisation taking an...

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