

Sustainable energy investments are going up across the world. India has tremendous potential to leverage this opportunity and become the superlative investment destination for renewable energy equipment manufacturers and service providers. India is the most developed renewable energy market in South Asia, with annual revenues of about USD 185 billion. The country is already a global leader in Wind Energy and may perhaps become a key player in the solar energy space.

Renewable energy projects are highly dependent on natural resources. This leads to a critical need to shield revenues from weather and technology-related performance risks. Such shield is achievable for wind (currently significantly underperforming) and solar-based projects.

Epoch Edge

With EPOCH we assure that our clients are secured against every single probable risk that might arise in project constructions. Right from evaluating your business spread, assessing your risk appetite, and considering the probable risks that exist in your business. Our expert team will help you design the best possible insurance strategy such that you can freely grab the upcoming opportunities without any fear of losses against possible risks. EPOCH promises you of the most advantageous, best valued and up-to-date insurance covers at a competitive pricing with our business principle “ON TIME EVERY TIME” always!

Policy Covered

Cyber crime Policy

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Mergers and Acquisitions Policy

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Public Offering of Securities Policy

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Specific Marine Policy

The Marine insurance provides protection against loss or damage of cargo or property while it is in transit, acquired, or held at any point between origin to the...

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Marine Inland Policy

The Marine insurance provides protection against loss or damage of cargo or property while it is in transit, acquired, or held at any point between origin to the...

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Apr 17, 2021

Envision an action that builds your adaptability, rei...

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How to strike a perfect life balance?
Apr 19, 2021
How to strike a perfect life balance?

They rightly call it a “rat race”; a race that is meant to keep us competiti...

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How to decide the sum insured limit?
Jun 21, 2021
How to decide the sum insured limit?

When you buy health insurance, you must remember that this sum insured is to be ...

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